Carly's Freedom
It’s finally here! The novel I have been working on for the past two years is finally being published and will be available for purchase on September 10th! I am so excited to share this story. It’s one that has been marinating in my heart for a while and I hope it has a widespread impact. There is so much I could tell you about my main character, Carly, or the plot development, but for the sake of not giving away spoilers, I am going to just leave you with a short description of the book.
My novel, Carly’s Freedom, is about the transformation of one young woman’s life. As the story begins, we see her life spiral as she deals with trauma, and the shame and pain that accompany it.
As Carly begins to crave a better way of life, we see her turn to work, relationships, and the justice system to give her freedom from the misery that has been holding her prisoner for the past year, but ultimately, nothing has any lasting impact on her heart until she meets Him.
When Carly encounters the Lover-of-her-soul she knows instinctively that he is different, but her fear of betrayal, of being wrong about yet another person, holds her back from fully giving her heart to him.
Will Carly ever learn to trust again? Is this man, the Lover-of-her-soul, any different than the others who have wounded her so deeply?
You will have to grab a copy of my novel, Carly’s Freedom to find out!!
You can pre-order the e-book today!
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